Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation

Chin Implants

Chin Implants

The facial profile can be balanced when the structures on your face complement each other, (no longer nose, no shorter chin, no unbalanced teeth, and no deformed lips). If all these are perfect then you look awesome. Many people have the complaint of short chin that is just too small for their face.

If the chin on face is small then your nose look longer then it really is. When one this problem, lack of chin projection then the face looks weird. So to improve this many patients look for the surgery which is known as chin augmentation.

What is chin augmentation?

Chin Plastic Surgery

Chin Plastic Surgery

Chin augmentation is the technique to extend the chin in relationship to the nose. In this a small synthetic implant is inserted over the natural bone. Reconstructive mandibular sliding surgery to correct bite dysfunction can be performed in conjunction with chin surgery.

Hare Are Some
Chin Augmentation Before And After Pictures

Chin Augmentation Before And After Pictures

Chin Augmentation Before And After Pictures

Chin Augmentation Before And After

Chin Augmentation Before And After

Thousands of genioplasties are performed successfully each year. The operation can also greatly enhance the results of a face lift, since loss of chin projection may occur with aging.Chin augmentation is an outpatient surgery but it can also perform in the surgeon’s office-based facilities or in hospital.

Chin augmentation is also commonly combined with facial liposuction where fat is removed under the neck area and under the chin.

In children:

Before the operation a general anesthesia is given to reduce or remove the uneasiness and provide a good sleep throughout an operation, which is not dangerous. In adults, clinical assessment including X-rays of the face and chin are used for preoperative planning.


Chin Implant
Chin Implant

First of all they make an incision inside the mouth next to the inferior sulcus (a "landmark" inside the lower gum) to put on contact to the chin bone. An osteotomy (horizontal cut) is made through the jaw bone (mandible) with a bone saw or chisel.

After this the lower portion of the separated bone is adjust to the desired positioned and it is wired in with titanium plates. While performing all this, mental nerves are carefully secluded. The incision is closed with sutures and an external pressure dressing is applied. There is no visible scarring since the surgery is performed through an incision inside the mouth.

Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

When only a modest degree of chin augmentation is required to give outline, the surgeon may use prosthetic chin implant (artificial -- made of silicone, Teflon, or Dacron) or may use bone only. In this the incision is made either inside the mouth or outside under the chin.

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Chin Augmentation Before And After Picture

Chin Augmentation Before And After Picture

Chin Augmentation Before And After Picture

Chin Augmentation Before And After Photo

Chin Augmentation Before And After Photo

Chin Augmentation Before After

Chin Augmentation Before After

An appropriately sized prosthesis or chin implant is inserted in a pocket created in front of the chin bone and under the muscles. The incision is closed and the resulting scar is slightly visible.


Recovery from chin augmentation includes several stages, as you have given an anesthesia you may experience some nausea for the first whole one day and you will not like to eat sufficient amount of food. Little bit oozing may occur around the incisions.

Chin Augmentation Surgery

Chin Augmentation Surgery

Your lower lip may have some deadness for a few weeks, and eating may be uncomfortable for a few days. Limiting strenuous activity and keeping the head elevated will cut down on swelling.

See More Before And After Pictures/Photos On Various Topic Such as Chin Implants,Chin Surgery ,Chin Augmentation,Chin Implant.

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